Saturday, February 4, 2012

We Bought A Zoo

Took a long hiatus from the blog due to Andy breaking his collar bone in a mountain bike wreck, so, didn't do any date nights for a month. The first chance we did have to get out, we took in a great movie that I can highly recommend for any date night, We Bought A Zoo starring Matt Damon and Scarlett Johansen. What a great movie! I originally thought this would be a sugary sweet or a sappy movie, with little story and no character development. Your basic filler movie during the off season.

Let me just tell you, I was wrong.

While some of the storylines were predictable, and the acting wasn't oscar worthy, the foundational story itself, and the fact that it's based on a true story, made up for it's minor faults. The animals are not used as props, and do not do cutesy or unrealistic tricks. They are just real animals acting the way real animals would. That is just what made this movie a keeper for me, and the interaction between the humans and the animals was so much more heartfelt, and sometimes intense to the extreme.

The sum up of the movie, it's moral so to speak, touched me deeply. Go. See this movie. You'll feel great afterwards, and have something to actually talk about with your significant other.

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