Saturday, September 15, 2012

Hope Springs

We took in a movie last night, Hope Springs, with Meryl Streep and Tommy Lee Jones.  It was great, but, not for everyone.  There are fairly descriptive discussions of sex, and some scenes acting out sexual acts, without body parts showing, but, it's pretty clear what's going on. 

The entire movie is based on a couple that have been married for 31 years and have found themselves living side by side, no intimacy, no romance, the spark was definitely gone.  The husband was content in their life, but, the wife longed to reignite the flames, so, she found a marriage counselor, played by Steve Carrell, and booked the two of them for a week long intensive therapy in a little town in Maine, Hope Springs.

We both really loved the movie, and it got us talking about our own relationship, the highs and lows, and the deeper feelings you often forget to share with each other.  Yes, some of the scenes were uncomfortable to sit through, especially in a theater with other people, but, it was well acted and nothing was gratuitous.  I am by far not a prude, but, I don't think PG13 is a high enough rating for the level of sexual content, but, I also do not feel R is appropriate.  Somewhere in between I suppose. 

So, I recommend it for mature audiences, with the warning that if you are offended by explicit sexual discussion, you may not like this movie.

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